The word “Service” refers to the website. The word “terms” refers to these Terms of Use where applicable.

Access to and use of the Service is dependent on your acceptance and compliance with the outlined terms in this document. These terms are applicable to all users, visitors and others who wish to use this Service.

By using or accessing the Service, you have agreed to be bound by the Terms. If you object any part of this term then you are not authorized to use the Service.


Creating an account with our Service is an agreement to subscribe to our newsletters, marketing and other promotional content or information that we may send to you. However, if you opt to unsubscribe from receiving any or all of the contents that we send, you can follow the unsubscribe link in the email message that we send to you.


The service allows you to post, store, link, share or make certain information available including text, graphics, videos among others, collectively referred to as Content. You are liable and responsible for any Content you post through or on mtExam, including its reliability, legality, and appropriateness. mtExam strictly forbids the posting of explicit or adult Content and may terminate your account upon failure to adhere.

By making Content posts on or through mtExam, you warrant that:

The content belongs to you or has the legal right to use it.

The post does not violate publicity rights, privacy rights, copyrights, contract rights among other rights of other persons or entities.

We solely reserve the right terminate your account or that of anyone that is found to have infringed a copyright or the right of other people.

You shall retain all the rights to all your Contents posted on or through mtExam and it is your responsibility to protect those rights. We assume no liability and take no responsibility for any Content that you or third-party posts on or through mtExam. However, by posting Content using mtExam you automatically grant us the license and right to modify, use, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce or distribute those Contents on or through the Service.

You are also in agreement with the right to avail the Content to other users by us, who may also use them with regard to these Terms. Moreover, all Contents available on mtExam are its properties or have been used with permission. You are therefore not allowed to download, post, copy, repost, modify, transmit or use the applicable Content, whether in part or whole, for commercial or personal gain, without the exclusive written permission from us.


By creating an account with mtExam, you solely agree that you are above 13 years of age and that the information you submit to us is correct, complete and accurate at all times. Incomplete, inaccurate or incorrect information submitted to us may lead to immediate and automatic termination of your account with us.

You have the sole responsibility of maintaining your account’s confidentiality including but not limited to the password, access to your computer and account. You, therefore, agree to be responsible for all the activities or the actions that occur on your account, whether your password is held by us or a third-party service. On notice of any breach or unauthorized access to your account, you must immediately notify us.

You shall not use any name of another person or entity that is not legally available for use, the trademark that is bound to the rights of other persons or entity without prior authorization, as your username. You may also be required to use names that are not offensive, obscene or vulgar as your username.

We have the right to terminate accounts, refuse to render service, remove, edit content or cancel any orders at our discretion.

Copyright policy

mtExam respects the intellectual properties of others. It is therefore within our policy to respond to any claims that the posted contents on mtExam infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of any entity or person.

If you are the owner of a copyright or has been authorized by one and believe that your work has been used in a manner that implies an infringement of copyright, please submit your infringement claims through email to us with a subject line of “Copyright Infringement” including your detailed description of the claim.

Note that you may be held responsible for all damages including attorney fees and costs for giving a misrepresentation or wrong claims on any of the content found on or submitted through mtExam.

DCMA Notice and Copyright Infringement claim procedures

You may be required to submit a notification in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) through the provision of the following information to our Copyright Agent:

A physical or electronic signature of the authorized persons to act on the behalf of the copyright owner’s interest.

Description of copyrighted work to which the infringement claim is directed, including the webpage address location of the copyrighted work, or a copy of the copyrighted work.

Identification of the specific location or URL of the material that you claim has been infringed.

Your statement, made under the penalty of perjury that the information indicated in your notice is authentic and accurate and that you are the owner of the copyright or have been authorized on the behalf of the copyright owner.

Intellectual Property

mtExam and its original content (excluding the Content of the users), functionality and features are and shall remain the property of mtExam and its licensors. mtExam is protected by trademark, copyright and any other laws of the US and the foreign countries. The trade dress and trademarks mtExam shall not be used with regard to any product or service without prior written permission from us.

Links to other Websites

mtExam may have links directing to third-party websites or services and are not controlled or owned by us.

We do not have control over and assume no responsibility for contents, privacy policies, and practices of the third party sites or services. mtExam does not warrant any of the entities, individuals or their website offerings.

You agree and acknowledge that mtExam shall not be held liable or responsible for any damages, losses or allegations that directly or indirectly occur in connection with the usage of such third party sites or their services.

We strongly recommend reading the privacy policies and terms of any third party sites or services you visit before using them.


At our sole discretion, we may suspend or terminate your account and access to mtExam without any prior notice for any reason including but not limited to the breach of these terms of use.

If you need to terminate your account with us, you simply may discontinue the use of mtExam. All the provisions of these Terms which should survive termination by their nature, shall survive the termination, including but not limited to warranty disclaimers, ownership provisions, liability limitations, and indemnity.


You solely agree to indemnify, defend as well as hold mtExam harmless, together with its licensee, licensors, and their employees, agents, contractors, directors, officers from any sort of claims, damages, losses, obligations, liabilities, debts, costs and expenses including but not limited to the attorney fees resulting from

Your use or access to mtExam, you or any person that uses your account and password.

A breach of the Terms of use.

Content posted on mtExam.

Limitation of liability

Under no circumstance shall mtExam, nor its employees, directors, partners, suppliers, agents or affiliates be liable for indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or any punitive damage including but not limited to the loss of use, profits, goodwill or any other intangible loss resulting from

Your use or access or inability to access use of mtExam

Any content or conduct of any third party service on mtExam

Any contents that been obtained from mtExam

Unauthorized use, access or alterations of content or transmissions

whether based on contract, warranty, tort or any legal theory, whether we have been informed of such damage possibility or not.


Your usage of mtExam is at your own sole risk. The service is offered on the basis of AS Is and AS AVAILABLE. Service is offered without any warranties, whether implied or expressed, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, performance course or non-infringement.

mtExam, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and licensors do not give the warrant that

mtExam will function without interruption, availability at particular locations or time.

Any errors and defects will be corrected.

mtExam is free from harmful components such as viruses.

The results of using mtExam will match your requirements.


Certain jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion of particular warranties or limitation of liability for the incidental or consequential damages. As the above limitations may not be applicable to you.

Governing law

These Terms of Use shall be controlled and construed according to the laws of California, US without the regard to law provisions conflict.

Failure of mtExam to enforce any of the rights or the provisions of these Terms of Use shall not be considered as a waiver of the particular rights.

If any part or provision of these Terms of Use is held invalid or unenforceable by the court, the remaining Terms of use provisions will remain effective. These Terms of Use constitute the whole agreement between us regarding our service and replace and supersede any agreements we might have reached upon before between us regarding this service.


At outsole discretion, we have the right to replace or modify these Terms of Use at any time. If any revisions of the material are done, we shall provide prior notice of at least 30 days before the new terms become effective. We shall define what constitutes the material change.

By continuing to use or access mtExam after any revisions are made effective, you shall have agreed to be bound by these Terms as well as the new changes. If you object any of the revisions, your authorization to continue using mtExam is nullified.

Contact us

For more information concerning these Terms of Use or any not listed herein, please contact us.