Vitamins and Coenzymes – Section 1

31. Vitamin-D deficiency can cause

A. rickets
B. pernicious anemia
C. cataract
D. beri-beri

Correct Answer: A. rickets

32. A deficiency of Vitamin K results in a decreased level of

A. prothrombin
B. thrombin
C. fibrin
D. fibrinogen

Correct Answer: A. prothrombin

33. The vitamin riboflavin, which occurs as a yellow pigment in egg yolk and milk become

A. colorless on reduction with Zn in acid and regained its color on re-oxidation
B. colorless on oxidation and regained its color on reduction with Zn in acid
C. more deep in color on reduction with Zn in acid and regained its color on re-oxidation
D. more deep in color on oxidation and regained its color on reduction with Zn in acid

Correct Answer: A. colorless on reduction with Zn in acid and regained its color on re-oxidation

34. Which of the following compounds/(s) belong/(s) to the vitamin B6 group?

A. Pyridoxal
B. Pyridoxine
C. Pyridoxamine
D. All of these

Correct Answer: D. All of these

35. What metal ion is specifically bound by vitamin B12?

A. Cobalt
B. Copper
C. Zinc
D. Iron

Correct Answer: A. Cobalt

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