Thermodynamics – Section 2

21. One kg of carbon produces __________ kg of carbon dioxide.

A. 3/7
B. 7/3
C. 11/3
D. 3/11

Correct Answer: C. 11/3

22. Ericsson cycle consists of two constant pressure and two isothermal processes.

A. Agree
B. Disagree

Correct Answer: A. Agree

23. The isothermal and isentropic processes are reversible non-flow processes.

A. Agree
B. Disagree

Correct Answer: A. Agree

24. The blast furnace gas is a by-product in the production of pig iron in the blast furnace.

A. Yes
B. No

Correct Answer: A. Yes

25. The heat supplied to the gas at constant volume is (where m = Mass of gas, cv = Specific heat at constant volume, cp = Specific heat at constant pressure, T2 – T1 = Rise in temperature, and R = Gas constant)

A. mR(T2 – T1)
B. mcv(T2 – T1)
C. mcp(T2 – T1)
D. mcp(T2 + T1)

Correct Answer: B. mcv(T2 – T1)

26. Liquid fuels have lower efficiency than solid fuels.

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B. False

27. The heat absorbed during a polytropic process is


Correct Answer: D. all of these

28. Liquid fuels consist of hydrocarbons.

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: A. True

29. The expansion ratio (r) is the ratio of (where v1 = Volume at the beginning of expansion, and v2 = Volume at the end of expansion)


Correct Answer: Option B

30. The dual combustion cycle consists of one constant pressure, two constant volume and two isentropic processes.

A. Agree
B. Disagree

Correct Answer: A. Agree

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