Protein Synthesis – Section 1

21. Translation in prokaryotes begins by the formation of a 30S initiation complex between the

A. 30S ribosomal subunit, mRNA, initiation factors and N-fMet tRNA
B. 30S ribosomal subunit, tRNA and initiation factors
C. 30S ribosomal subunit and mRNA only
D. 30S ribosomal subunit, mRNA and initiation factors

Correct Answer: A. 30S ribosomal subunit, mRNA, initiation factors and N-fMet tRNA

22. The anticodon of tRNA

A. binds to rRNA
B. binds to an amino acid
C. binds to the Shine Dalgarno sequence
D. binds to an mRNA codon

Correct Answer: D. binds to an mRNA codon

23. The peptidyl transferase reaction occurs

A. on the large subunit
B. on the small subunit
C. between the subunit
D. none of these

Correct Answer: A. on the large subunit

24. Processive synthesis is a characteristic feature of

A. all DNA polymerases.
B. DNA Pol III at a replication fork.
C. removal of RNA primers on Okasaki fragments.
D. DNA mismatch repair

Correct Answer: B. DNA Pol III at a replication fork.

25. Which site of the tRNA molecule binds to the mRNA molecule?

A. Anticodon
B. Codon
C. Amino acid
D. 5 prime end

Correct Answer: A. Anticodon

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