Object Oriented Programming Using C++ – Section 7

21. When you define an object that is a member of a class, such as Student Abby; _____

A. a block of memory is set aside and all data members are assigned valid values
B. a block of memory is set aside
C. no memory is set aside until values are defined
D. no memory is set aside, but valid values are assigned to data members

Correct Answer:  B. a block of memory is set aside

22. A program can directly access the _____ members of a class

A. hidden
B. private
C. public
D. both (b) and (c)

Correct Answer:  C. public

23. Any output manipulator function you create _____

A. should take as an argument an instance of ostream as a reference
B. should return void
C. must be a member function of the ostream class
D. must inherit ostream

Correct Answer:  A. should take as an argument an instance of ostream as a reference

24. To pass an array by reference, you

A. must include the address-of (&) operator before the array’s name
B. must include the number symbol (#) before the array’s name
C. do not have to do anything because arrays are automatically passed by reference

Correct Answer:  C. do not have to do anything because arrays are automatically passed by reference

25. The instructions you enter into the computer are called the _____

A. edited code
B. machine code
C. object code
D. source code

Correct Answer:  D. source code

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