Networking – Section 6

46. In geosynchronous orbit, satellite

A. remains in a fixed position so that as earth rotates, it can fully cover the earth
B. remains in a fixed position related to points on earth
C. moves faster than the earth’s rotation so that it can cover larger portion of earth.
D. moves simultaneously
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: A. remains in a fixed position so that as earth rotates, it can fully cover the earth

47. A proposed network infrastructure of interconnected local, regional, and global networks that would support universal interactive multimedia communications. Select the best fit for answer:

A. Internetworked enterprise
B. Information super highway
C. Business applications of telecommunications
D. Client/Server networks

Correct Answer: B. Information super highway

48. What does 240 translate to in binary?

A. 11110000
B. 00011110
C. 00001111
D. 11100000
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: A. 11110000

49. You are working with a network that has the network ID and contains 73 networks. In the next year, you will be adding an additional 27 branch offices to your company. For simplified management, you want to keep the most possible hosts per subnet. Which subnet mask should you management, you want to keep the most possible hosts per subnet. Which subnet mask should you use?


Correct Answer: E.

50. A group of 2m – 1 routers are interconnected in a centralized binary tree, with router at each tree node. Router I communicate with router J by sending a message to the root of the tree. The root then sends the message back down to J. Then find the mean router-router path length.

A. 2 (m – 2)
B. 2 (2m – 1)
C. m – 1
D. (2m – l)/mJ

Correct Answer: A. 2 (m – 2)
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