Networking – Section 3

36. The encoding method specified in the EIA-232 standard is _____.

C. Manchester
D. Differential Manchester

Correct Answer: B. NRZ-L

37. Examples are packet switching using frame relay, and cell switching using ATM technologies. Select the best fit for answer:

A. Bandwidth alternatives
B. Switching alternating
C. Inter organizational networks
D. Extranets

Correct Answer: B. Switching alternating

38. The physical layer, in reference to the OSI model, defines

A. data link procedures that provide for the exchange of data via frames that can be sent and received
B. the interface between the X.25 network and packet mode device
C. the virtual circuit interface to packet-switched service
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: B. the interface between the X.25 network and packet mode device

39. A required characteristic of an online real-time system is:

A. more than one CPU
B. offline batch processing
C. no delay in processing
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: C. no delay in processing

40. How many class A, B, and C network IDs can exist?

A. 2,113,658
B. 16,382
C. 126
D. 128
E. None of the above

Correct Answer: A. 2,113,658
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