Microbial Genetics – Section 1

11. Which type of genomics studies the transcripts and proteins expressed by a genome?

A. Comparative genomics
B. Structural genomics
C. Proteo genomics
D. Functional genomics

Correct Answer: D. Functional genomics

12. Which of the following is the study of the molecular organization of genomes, their information content and the gene products they encode?

A. Genetics
B. Ergonomics
C. Genomics
D. Bioinformatics

Correct Answer: C. Genomics

13. The word, used for the small solid supports onto which are spotted hundreds of thousands of tiny drops of DNA that can be used to screen gene expression, is

A. southern blot
B. cloning library
C. DNA microarrays
D. northern blot

Correct Answer: C. DNA microarrays

14. Which of the following organisms has the smallest genome?

A. H. influenzae
B. M. genitalium
C. M. tuberculosis
D. None of these

Correct Answer: B. M. genitalium

15. Studies of similarities and differences among the genomes of multiple organisms is carried out in

A. comparative genomics
B. proteomics
C. functional genomics
D. structural genomics

Correct Answer: A. comparative genomics

16. Why Deinococcus radiodurans is able to survive massive exposure to radiation?

A. Because it produces a thick shell which acts as a shield from the radiation
B. Because it has unique DNA repair mechanisms
C. Because its cellwall contains radioactive elements
D. Because it has many copies of genes encoding DNA repair

Correct Answer: D. Because it has many copies of genes encoding DNA repair

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