Maharashtra General knowledge / Maharashtra GK / Maharashtra History / Maharashtra Quiz

56. In which year the first cotton mill “Bombay Spinning and Weaving Company” was established in Bombay

(A)  1854
(B)  1858
(C)  1860
(D)  1865

Correct Answer: (A)  1854

57. Name the Peshwa who was the founder of the Peshwa Dynasty

(a)  Balaji Vishwanath
(b)  Baji Rao
(c)  Balaji Baji Rao
(d)  Shambhaji

Correct Answer: (a)  Balaji Vishwanath

58. Who was the first Peshwa of the Maratha Empire

(a)  Balaji Vishwanath
(b)  Madhav-Rao I
(c)  Moropant Trimbak Pingle
(d)  Raghunath-Rao

Correct Answer: (c)  Moropant Trimbak Pingle

59. The salient terms of the Treaty of Salbai concluded in 1782 AD between Poona Darbar and the English was that

(a)  Salsette was given to Britain
(b)  the English gave up the support of Raghunath Rao
(c)  Scindia regained his territory in the west of Yamuna river
(d)  All of the above

Correct Answer: (d)  All of the above

60. The Maratha King became a nonentity and the Peshwa the virtual ruler from the time of

(a)  Balaji Vishwanath
(b)  Baji Rao I
(c)  Balaji Rao
(d)  Madnav Rao I

Correct Answer: (b)  Baji Rao I

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