Enzymes and Kinetics – Section 1

11. Which category of enzymes belongs to class two in the international classification?

A. Hydrolases
B. Ligases
C. Transferases
D. Isomerase

Correct Answer: C. Transferases

12. The Woolf-Augusteinsson-Hofstee plot of ν versus ν/[S] and the Eadie-Scatchard plot of ν/[S] versus ν do not involve reciprocals of ν therefore are considered to be more reliable when the error in v is

A. non-significant
B. significant
C. nothing to do with the reliability
D. non-significant in selected cases

Correct Answer: B. significant

13. The relationship between Keq, Km, and Vmax is known as

A. Haldane equation
B. Michaelis Menten equation
C. Numerical solution approach
D. Gibbs-Helmholtz equation

Correct Answer: B. Michaelis Menten equation

14. The reciprocal equation for non-competitive inhibition can be arranged to the equation for the

A. Dixon plot
B. Woolf-Augusteinsson-Hofstee plot
C. Eadie-Scatchard plot
D. Hanes-Woolf plot

Correct Answer: A. Dixon plot

15. Which of the following statements is true for the enzymatically catalyzed reaction?

A. The activation energy of the reaction is lowered so that a larger proportion of the substrate qualifies to overcome it
B. Additional substrate molecules are energized to overcome the activation energy of the reaction
C. The activation energy of the reaction is increased, thus decreasing the likelihood that any substrate molecules will overcome it
D. The activation energy of the reaction is lowered so that a fewer substrate molecule can overcome it

Correct Answer: A.The activation energy of the reaction is lowered so that a larger proportion of the substrate qualifies to overcome it

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