Engineering Mechanics – Section 3

31. The acceleration of a particle moving with simple harmonic motion is __________ at the mean position.

A. zero
B. minimum
C. maximum

Correct Answer: A. zero

32. The velocity of a particle moving with simple harmonic motion is __________ at the mean position.

A. zero
B. minimum
C. maximum

Correct Answer: C. maximum

33. A framed structure is imperfect, if the number of members are __________ (2j – 3).

A. equal to
B. less than
C. greater than
D. either (b) or (c)

Correct Answer: D. either (b) or (c)

34. The linear acceleration (a) of a body rotating along a circular path of radius (r) with an angular acceleration of α rad / s2, is

A. a = α/ r
B. a = α.r
C. a = r / α
D. none of these

Correct Answer: B. a = α.r

35. The total energy possessed by a system of moving bodies

A. is constant at every instant
B. varies from point to point
C. is maximum in the start and minimum at the end
D. is minimum in the start and maximum at the end

Correct Answer: A. is constant at every instant

36. The moment of inertia of a solid cylinder of mass m, radius r and length l about the longitudinal axis or polar axis is

A. mr2/2
B. mr2/4
C. mr2/6
D. mr2/8

Correct Answer: A. mr2/2

37. In a screw jack, the effort required to lift the load is given by(where W = Load lifted, α = Helix angle, and φ = Angle of friction.)

A. P = W tan (α – φ)
B. P = W tan (α + φ)
C. P = W tan (φ – α)
D. P = W cos (α + φ)

Correct Answer: B. P = W tan (α + φ)

38. The terms ‘leverage’ and ‘mechanical advantage’ Of a compound lever have got the same meaning.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect

Correct Answer: A. Correct

39. A couple produces

A. translatory motion
B. rotational motion
C. combined translatory and rotational motion
D. none of the above

Correct Answer: B. rotational motion

40. Energy may be defined as the capacity of doing work.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect

Correct Answer: A. Correct

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