DNA Structure and Replication – Section 2

36. Automated DNA sequencing uses the chain termination method

A. but with an oligonucleotide primer labeled with a fluorescent dye
B. but with a polynucleotide primer labeled with a fluorescent dye
C. with no primer
D. either (b) or (c)

Correct Answer: A. but with an oligonucleotide primer labeled with a fluorescent dye

37. Okazaki fragments occur on the __________ and are bonded together by __________

A. Leading strand, polymerase
B. mRNA, anticodons
C. Lagging strand, ligase
D. tRNA, polymerase

Correct Answer: C. Lagging strand, ligase

38. The RNA primers used to initiate replication in E. coli

A. result in Okazaki fragments on leading strand
B. are removed by Pol I
C. are joined together by DNA ligase
D. are removed by helicase + ATP

Correct Answer: B. are removed by Pol I

39. An enzyme that recognizes foreign DNA, and results in a cut in that DNA is called

A. transposase
B. helicase
C. reverse transcriptase
D. restriction endonuclease

Correct Answer: D. restriction endonuclease

40. Which of the following is an active site on its single polypeptide chain for DNA Polymerase I?

A. 5′ → 3′ polymerase
B. 3′ → 5′ exonuclease
C. 5′ → 3′ exonuclease
D. all of the above

Correct Answer: A. 5′ → 3′ polymerase

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