Amino Acid Metabolism – Section 1

16. Transamination is the transfer of an amino

A. acid to a carboxylic acid plus ammonia
B. group from an amino acid to a keto acid
C. acid to a keto acid plus ammonia
D. group from an amino acid to a carboxylic acid

Correct Answer: B. group from an amino acid to a keto acid

17. Lysine is degraded to acetoacetyl CoA and is described as a

A. ketogenic amino acid
B. glucogenic amino acid
C. keto-gluco amino acid
D. none of these

Correct Answer: A. ketogenic amino acid

18. A ketogenic amino acid is one which degrades to

A. keto-sugars
B. either acetyl CoA or acetoacetyl CoA
C. pyruvate or citric acid cycle intermediates
D. multiple intermediates including pyruvate or citric acid cycle intermediates and acetyl CoA or acetoacetyl CoA

Correct Answer: B. either acetyl CoA or acetoacetyl CoA

19. A best described ketogenic amino acid is

A. lysine
B. tryptophan
C. valine
D. none of these

Correct Answer: A. lysine

20. A person suffering from phenylketonuria on consumption food containing high phenylalanine may lead to the accumulation of

A. phenylalanine
B. phenylpyruvate
C. tyrosine
D. isoleucine

Correct Answer: B. phenylpyruvate

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