The privacy policy let you know how we use personal information collected at mtExam. Please read this privacy policy before using the website or submitting any personal information. By using the website, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy.

Note: the privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for this website only. If you link to other websites, please review the privacy policies posted on those websites.

Types of collected data

Some of the Personal Data types collected by this application or through third parties include: cookies, email address, usage data, geographic position, first name, last name, date of birth, gender, username, address, profession, company name, country, state, province, city, ZIP/Postal code, picture, number of employees, activity field and various data types.

Description of other Personal Data collected may be provided in other sections of the Privacy Policy.

The user is free to provide their Personal Data or may be automatically collected during use of the application.

Use of Cookies or other tracking tools by this Application or by third-party service owners through this Application is used solely for user preference remembrance in order to provide the required services by the User unless otherwise stated. Failing to provide some Personal Data may deem it impossible for this Application to offer its services to the fullest.

Users hold the full responsibility for any third-party Personal Data obtained, shared or published via this Application and should confirm that they obtained the consent of the third party to provide the Data to the Owner.

Place and Mode of Data processing

Processing method

Processing of User Data is done by the Data Controller in an appropriate manner and will take proper security measures to protect the data from disclosure, unauthorized access, unauthorized destruction or modification.

Processing of the Data is done by computers and/or IT facilitated tools by following the procedures of the organization and the strict modes related to the indicated purposes. Apart from the Data Controller, in some scenarios or cases, the Data may be accessed by certain persons involved with site operation, persons in charge of the services (administration, marketing, sales, system administration and legal) or third parties (third party technical experts, hosting providers, mail carriers, communication agency or IT companies) appointed when necessary by the Owner as Data Processors. An up to date list of the third parties may be requested at any time from Data Controller.

The place for Data processing

Processing of Data is done at the operating offices of the Data Controller and other places where the parties involved in the processing are located. For in-depth details, please contact the Data Controller.

Retention time

Retention of data is done for the necessary time so as to provide the requested services by User, or as stated by the purposes indicated in the document. A request by the User to the Data Controller to remove or suspend the Data can be sent.

Use of Collected Data

The collected data is for the purpose of enabling the Owner to offer its services and also for these purposes: Accessing third-party service accounts, interacting with the external social platforms and networks, contacting the User, Analytics, Location-based interactions, Registration, authentication, Managing contacts, Handling payments and sending messages.

The Personal Data as used for their purpose is listed in the specific sections of this Privacy Policy document.

Social connect permissions requested by this Application

Some Social media ( Facebook, Twitter, VK, Google Plus ) permissions may be requested by this application to allow it to perform some actions with the Social media account of the User as well as retrieving information, including Personal Data. For detailed information about these permissions, refer to the documented social media permissions and their Privacy Policy.

The requested permissions include the following:

Basic information

These include certain Data of the User by default, including name, id, picture, gender and location. Certain information such as about their Friends are also requested. If the User has most of their data as Public, then more information will be available.


Access to the User’s birthday is provided.

Contact email

Access to the User’s contact email address is done.


Access to the primary email of the User is provided.

Detailed information about Personal Data processing

Personal Data of the User is collected for the following purposes using the following services:

Third-party services account to access

These types of services enable this Application to access the Data from the User account on a third party basis and perform certain actions with it.

The services are not automatically activated but need explicit authorization by User.


The services offered allow the Owner to be able to do monitoring and analysis of web traffic and can also be used in tracking User behavior.

Analytics directly collected by the application

This Application makes use of an internal analytics system without involving any third parties. Personal Data collected include Usage data and Cookies.

Google Analytics

This is a web analysis service offered by Google Inc. Google uses the collected data to examine and track the use of this Application so as to prepare reports on the activities and able to share them with other Google services.

Collected Personal Data: Usage Data and Cookies.

External platforms and networks interactions

This service type allows social networks and external platform interactions directly from this Application’s pages.

The information obtained and interaction through this Application are subject to the privacy settings of the User for each respective network or platform. Collection of traffic data by this type of service for the pages where it has been installed might occur even when the user is not using it.

AddThis (AddThis Inc.)

AddThis is a service from Clearspring Technologies Inc. which mainly displays widgets which allow interaction with social platforms and networks as well as this Application’s content sharing.

Depending on the prevailing settings, widgets which belong to third parties such as social networks managers where interactions are shared may be displayed by this service. As such, the third party widget providers will also be informed about the interactions and Usage Data on pages where this service has been installed.

Location-based interactions

Geolocation (This Application)

The collection, use, and sharing of the location data of the User may be done by this Application to provide services that are location based.

Most devices and browsers provide tools for opting out of this feature by default. If the User provides explicit authorization, tracking of their location data by this Application may be done.

Non-continuous Geolocation

Collection, usage, and sharing of the location data of the user by this application may also occur. Most devices and browsers provide tools for opting out of this feature by default. If the User provides explicit authorization, tracking of their location data by this Application may be done.

Determination of the geographic position of the user is done in a manner that is not continuous, either at specific request times or when the User does not point out their current location in the proper field which allows this Application to determine their location automatically.

Sending messages and managing contacts

This service makes the management of email contacts, phone contacts and other contact information on the database possible so as to communicate with Users. This service may collect data regarding the time and date when the User viewed the message and when the User interacted with it, for instance clicking on the included links in the message.

Registration and authentication

By registration or authentication, the User allows this Application to be able to identify and offer them access to the dedicated services.

Depending on the descriptions offered below, registration and authentication may also be provided by third parties, in which case, this Application may be able to access some of the data stored by the third parties for registration and identification purposes. Registration is done by the user when they fill the registration form and provide their Personal Data directly to this application.

Collected Personal Data: Cookies, email address, usage data, geographic position, first name, last name, date of birth, gender, username, address, profession, company name, country, state, province, city, ZIP/Postal code, picture, number of employees, activity field and various data types.

Cookie Policy

This application makes use of cookies. For more information about Cookies notice, User may consult Cookie Policy.

Additional Information on Data Collection and Processing

Legal action

The Data Controller may use the Personal Data of the User for legal action, in Court or other stages the lead to legal action that arises from improper usage of this Application or its related services. The User confirms their awareness that Data Controller may be requested to reveal the Personal Data of the User upon request by public authorities. Apart from the information contained in this privacy policy document, this application may also provide additional and contextual information about particular services to the User upon request.

System logs and maintenance

For the purposes of maintenance and operation, this Application and any other third-party services may collect files which record interactions with this Application (System logs).

Information not included in this Privacy policy

The user may request more information about the collection and processing of Personal Data from the Data Controller at any time.

Rights of the User

The User, at any time has the right to know if their Personal Data is stored and can freely consult the Data Controller to learn more about the origin and contents, verify accuracy, or request cancellation, correction, update, transformation into anonymous format, block any held data in violation of law and or oppose their treatment for legitimate reasons.

Do Not Track requests are not supported by this application. To know whether any third-party services used honor Do Not Track requests, users should read their Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy Changes

Data Controller, at any time, has the right to change any part of this privacy policy by issuing the notice to the Users through this page. It is therefore highly recommended to check this privacy policy page often while referring to the date of the last update issued at the bottom of this page. If the User for any reason objects any of the made changes, they must cease the use of this Application and ca request their Personal Data be removed by the Data Controller. Unless otherwise stated, the current privacy policy at any time applies to all the Personal Data held by the Data Controller. The Data Controller has the responsibility of the Privacy Policy.

Legal References and Definitions

Personal Data (Data)

This is any information concerning a legal person, natural person, institution or association which can be or is identified directly or indirectly by reference to other information including their personal identification number.

Usage Data

This is information that is automatically collected by this application (or third-party services used by this Application), which may include: domain names or IP addresses of the computers used by the User who uses this Application, URI addresses, request time, submission method used to send the request to the server, response file size received, numerical code that indicates status of the answer from server (success, error, etc), country of origin, browser features, operating system used by User, various details on time per visit (e.g. time amount spent on each page within the application), details on the path followed within this Application with reference to pages visited, parameters about the device, and or IT environment of the User.


This is the individual who utilizes the application, who must coincide with the Data Subject to whom Personal Data refers or authorizes.

Data Subject

This is the legal person referred to by the Personal Data.

Data Supervisor (or Data Processor)

The legal person, the natural person, public administration or body, organization or association which has been authorized by the Data Controller to process the Personal Data as compiled in the privacy policy.

Data Controller (Owner)

The legal person, the natural person, public administration or body, organization or association that has the right, also jointly with another Data Controller to make decisions concerning the purposes, methods, and means of processing personal data, including security measures regarding the use and operation of this Application. Data Controller is the Owner of the Application unless stated otherwise.


The software of hardware by which the User’s Personal Data is collected.


The small amount of data that is stored in the device of the User. Cookie Policy can be found here.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.We will let you know via email and/or a prominent notice on our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the “effective date” at the top of this Privacy Policy. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.